Migrate the storage from Thanos and Prometheus

The Cortex blocks storage engine stores series in TSDB blocks uploaded in the storage bucket. This makes very easy to migrate the storage from Thanos and/or Prometheus to Cortex, when running the blocks storage.

Cortex blocks storage requirements

The Cortex blocks storage has few requirements that should be considered when migrating TSDB blocks from Thanos / Prometheus to Cortex:

  1. The blocks in the bucket should be located at bucket://<tenant-id>/
    Cortex isolates blocks on a per-tenant basis in the bucket and, for this reason, each tenant blocks should be uploaded to a different location in the bucket. The bucket prefix, where a specific tenant blocks should be uploaded, is /<tenant-id>/; if Cortex is running with auth disabled (no multi-tenancy) then the <tenant-id> to use is fake.
  2. Remove Thanos external labels and inject __org_id__ into each block’s meta.json
    Every block has a little metadata file named meta.json. Thanos stores external labels at thanos > labels, which should be all removed when migrating to Cortex, while the "__org_id__": "<tenant-id>" added.

How to migrate the storage

Upload TSDB blocks to Cortex bucket

TSDB blocks stored in Prometheus local disk or Thanos bucket should be copied/uploaded to the Cortex bucket at the location bucket://<tenant-id>/ (when Cortex is running with auth disabled then <tenant-id> must be fake).

Migrate block metadata (meta.json) to Cortex

For each block copied/uploaded to the Cortex bucket, there are a few changes required to the meta.json.

Automatically migrate metadata using the thanosconvert tool

thanosconvert can iterate over a Cortex bucket and make sure that each meta.json has the correct thanos > labels layout.

⚠ Warning ⚠ thanosconvert will modify files in the bucket you specify. It’s recommended that you have backups or enable object versioning before running this tool.

To run thanosconvert, you need to provide it with the bucket configuration in the same format as the blocks storage bucket configuration.

# bucket-config.yaml
backend: s3
  endpoint: s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  bucket_name: my-cortex-bucket

You can run thanosconvert directly using Go:

go install github.com/cortexproject/cortex/cmd/thanosconvert

Or use the provided docker image:

docker run quay.io/cortexproject/thanosconvert

You can run the tool in dry-run mode first to find out what which blocks it will migrate:

thanosconvert -config ./bucket-config.yaml -dry-run

Once you’re happy with the results, you can run without dry run to migrate blocks:

thanosconvert -config ./bucket-config.yaml

You can cancel a conversion in progress (with Ctrl+C) and rerun thanosconvert. It won’t change any blocks which have been written by Cortex or already converted from Thanos, so you can run thanosconvert multiple times.

Migrate metadata manually

If you need to migrate the block metadata manually, you need to:

  1. Download the meta.json to the local filesystem
  2. Decode the JSON
  3. Manipulate the data structure (see below)
  4. Re-encode the JSON
  5. Re-upload it to the bucket (overwriting the previous version of the meta.json file)

The meta.json should be manipulated in order to ensure:

  • It contains the thanos root-level entry
  • The thanos > labels do not contain any Thanos-specific external label
  • The thanos > labels contain the Cortex-specific external label "__org_id__": "<tenant-id>"
When migrating from Thanos

When migrating from Thanos, the easiest approach would be keep the existing thanos root-level entry as is, except:

  1. Completely remove the content of thanos > labels
  2. Add "__org_id__": "<tenant-id>" to thanos > labels

For example, when migrating a block from Thanos for the tenant user-1, the thanos root-level property within the meta.json file will look like:

	"thanos": {
		"labels": {
			"__org_id__": "user-1"
		"downsample": {
			"resolution": 0
		"source": "compactor"

Right now Cortex doesn’t support downsampling so Thanos downsampled blocks are not supported. Downsampled blocks will be simply skipped by the thanosconvert tool.

If downsampled blocks are uploaded to the Cortex bucket, they cannot be queried so please exclude them when migrating TSDB blocks.

When migrating from Prometheus

When migrating from Prometheus, the meta.json file will not contain any thanos root-level entry and, for this reason, it would need to be generated:

  1. Create the thanos root-level entry (see below)
  2. Add "__org_id__": "<tenant-id>" to thanos > labels

For example, when migrating a block from Prometheus for the tenant user-1, the thanos root-level property within the meta.json file should be as follow:

	"thanos": {
		"labels": {
			"__org_id__": "user-1"
		"downsample": {
			"resolution": 0
		"source": "compactor"