Native Histograms
The Prometheus introduces a native histogram, a new sample type, to address several problems that the classic histograms (originally implemented histograms) have. Please read to Prometheus Native Histograms Document if more detailed information is necessary.
This guide explains how to configure the native histograms on the Cortex.
How to configure native histograms
This section explains how to configure native histograms on the Cortex.
Enable Ingestion
To ingest native histogram ingestion, set the flag -blocks-storage.tsdb.enable-native-histograms
And via yaml:
enable_native_histograms: <bool>
By default, it is disabled, so make sure to enable it if you need native histograms for your system monitoring.
When a write request
contains both samples
and native histogram
, the ingestion behavior is as follows:
- When it is enabled, the Cortex ingests samples and native histograms. If ingestion is successful, the Cortex returns a 200 status code.
- When it is disabled, the Cortex ingests samples but discards the native histograms. If sample ingestion is successful, the Cortex returns a 200 status code.
You can track the discarded number of native histograms via the cortex_discarded_samples_total{reason="native-histogram-sample"}
Set Bucket limit
To limit the number of buckets(= sum of the number of positive and negative buckets) native histograms ingested, set the flag -validation.max-native-histogram-buckets
And via yaml:
max_native_histogram_buckets: <int>
The default value is 0, which means no limit. If the total number of positive and negative buckets exceeds the limit, the Cortex emits a validation error with status code 400 (Bad Request).
To limit the number of buckets per tenant, you can utilize a runtime config.
For example, the following yaml file specifies the number of bucket limit 160 for user-1
and no limit for user-2
max_native_histogram_buckets: 160
max_native_histogram_buckets: 0
How to enable out-of-order native histograms ingestion
Like samples out-of-order ingestion, the Cortex allows out-of-order ingestion for the native histogram.
It is automatically enabled when -blocks-storage.tsdb.enable-native-histograms=true
and -ingester.out-of-order-time-window > 0
And via yaml:
enable_native_histograms: true
out_of_order_time_window: 5m